The outfit uses a mesh by Tig, which can be downloaded here (can be found in post #4 in the comments, the file you need is located in 'DP-Men-Imagine.rar'). I have recreated the uniform that the men of the Night's Watch wear throughout the show. Now onto all of the rest of the goodies that I made especially for Jon! The hairline is by me also, and comes in one colour (black again) and is available from toddler to elder, meaning Jon will look okay no matter what age you have him in your game! Jon's eyebrows are made by me, they also come in one colour. The beard edit uses a combination of textures from SimpleLife and Lilith, it comes in one colour (black) and is available from teen to elder.

Jon's eyes are an edit I have made, they are Burgatory's Edited Polaroid Eyes on Anva's Sclera. It contains textures from Needlecream, Lilith, Mouseyblue, Trapping and Adalae. The Skinblend I have used on Jon is by me and is available on my tumblr here (along with preview images). The hair mesh by PeggySims has been included for your convenience! The link in the credits goes to the Drew-Cricket recolour I have used, as PeggySims is no longer available and the mesh has been uploaded here. Spouse/Lovers: Ygritte, Daenerys Targaryen Siblings/Cousins: Rhaenys Targaryen, Aegon Targaryen, Robb Stark, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Bran Stark and Rickon Stark Titles: Lord Snow, The Bastard of Winterfell, King Crow, The Prince that was Promised, The White Wolf, Aegon Targaryenĭate of Birth: Shortly after the rebellion of 281ACĪllegiance: House Stark, The Night's Watch, House Targaryen (pledge) I hope you guys think I've captured his likeness well, as I've sure as hell put a lot of effort into him! Jon's chapters in the books are some of my favourites, and his scenes in the show are always a delight to watch! Kit has such a challenging face to get right, and he has definitely been one of the sims I have worked on for the longest time. I then delved into the ASoIaF books and they are now some of my all time favourites! Despite my enjoyment of the show dropping off from season 5 onwards (the writing just isn't as good), I still enjoy it and really wanted to make some of the characters from the show. I started watching Game of Thrones back in 2011 when the first season was released and instantly fell in love, it was everything I ever wanted from a TV show. Jon Snow (Kit Harington) from Game of Thrones